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Pregnancy book

11,90 €

Because your life started long before you were born, here is a souvenir booklet so that nothing is forgotten and I tell you everything: from the day your parents met to the day you were born, lots of things happened...

Chez vous dans 3 à 5 jours

Fabriqué près de chez nous

La livraison c'est cado dès 40€

On est là au 07 84 86 49 81

9 months of waiting makes a wonderful gift for a pregnant friend.

Size : 15 x 21 cm, 60 pages

Cover : soft

Colors : quadrichromie and pantone

Whats is Minus ?

A dose of humour, a zest of sincerity, a touch of tenderness... Minus, books for discussing life's important moments and speaking openly and honestly about your emotions.

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